Unmasking the State: Civil Society Activism in South Asia
Convenor: Dr Ankita Pandey
This course will introduce students to an underexplored and exciting domain of civil rights activism in India, and through it provide them a comprehensive understanding of the emergence and transformation of the civil society space in South Asia. Activists have used a variety of techniques to call out extra-judicial or arbitrary use of state power. A familiarity with these techniques will expose students to the ways in which state and non-state actors engage with each other in the public sphere. The course will enable the students to develop a robust knowledge, interpretation, and analytical understanding of the changing dynamic of protests and dissent in contemporary India.
Take a look at…
Centre for Policy Research (CPR)-Namati Environmental Justice Program (2018). Making the Law Count: Ten Environment Justice Stories by Community Paralegals in India. New Delhi: CPR-Namati Environmental Justice Program
“Encounters” Are Murders: Interim Report of Civil Rights Committee. (1977). Economic and Political Weekly, 12(21), 827–829. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4365610
Correspondent, HT. (2013), Jamia Teachers’ group picks holes in Batla House judgement, Hindustan Times, Aug 1, 2013. https://www.hindustantimes.com/delhi/jamia-teachers-group-picks-holes-in-batla-house-judgment/story-wntwLCLWZOlcrGaIpzRa7M.html