Convener: Professor Pritam Singh
The Punjab Research Group has been hosting conferences at least twice a year since 1984, and was established as an inclusive and all- embracing forum for discussion and debate on issues pertaining to the East and West Punjab as well as the Punjabi diaspora. During the past 33 years, the PRG has provided space for academics to interact with each other regardless of territorial or disciplinary boundaries. Our second conference for 2017 will be held as a one-day event on 28 October in Oxford. The conference will provide a platform to academics, young researchers, journalists, artists, and activists for an inter-disciplinary discussion focusing on the theme of ‘Punjabs@70 Punjab: Past, Present and Future’.
My special thanks to every one of you for your valuable presence and participation.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
09.30- 09.45: Registration
09.45- 10.00: Inaugural Address
10.00-11.30: Session I Gender and family history
11.30-11.50: Coffee Break
11.50-13.20: Session II Punjabi diaspora
13.20-14.00: Lunch Break
14.00-14.15: Conference Announcements on Publications, Scholarships and Research Projects
14:15-15.45: Session III Music and cinema
15.45-16.05: Coffee Break
16.05-17.35: Session IV Religion studies
17.35- 17.55: Deliberation on/Announcement of Best Presenter Award
17.55-18.15 Note of Thanks
For further details, please see PRG Programme Handbook, PRG Progamme Outline, PRG Conference Abstracts and Campus Map all attached below.
Further Information
The registration fee for all conference guests, speakers and chairpersons is £10. The fee can be paid at the time of registration using following modes: 1. International speakers/guests/chairpersons: CASH only 2. UK speakers/guests/chairpersons: Cash or cheque. The cheque should be payable to 'Prof Eleanor Nesbitt Punjab Research Group Account'. If you have not registered for the event, please do so at the For further information please contact Raj RS Mann on +44 7776815206 or email:
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