Keynote Talk: Issues in Public Health

Conveners: Faisal Devji and Premila Webster

Speaker: Keshav Desiraju (former Secretary of Health & Family Welfare to the Government of India)

You are warmly invited to attend ‘Issues in Public Health in India‘, a Keynote talk and Q&A with Keshav Desiraju, former Secretary of Health & Family Welfare to the Government of India.

The state of public health in India can be studied in terms of disease burden, health human resources and health care financing. There are many regional variations within these broad areas, and many complexities. Communicable and noncommunicable disease remain major challenges, as do maternal and infant mortality. At every level, trained human resources are scarce. Government budgetary resources are inadequate and the current discussion in India on universal health care appears to be biased towards privately provided care. At the same time there have been remarkable achievements, often diminished by the size of India’s population.

Public health is about social justice and the task before India today is to demonstrate the political will, the administrative ability and the democratic vision to achieve universal health care. Can this come about?

This talk is part of a two-day conference called ‘Mental Health in India – Bridging the Gap’ that will take a multi-dimensional look at mental health in India.