Convener: Imre Bangha
Speaker: Constance Fairbanks (Cornell)
“Kavi Kovid” – Classical Hindi Textual Study Seminar
“कवि कोविद” – पुरानी हिन्दी पाठ-अध्ययन सेमिनार
Session 9/13 Ālhā
General Information
Wednesdays, 16th Sept – 9th Dec., 3pm BST/10am EST/7.30pm IST (8.30pm IST after 25 Oct)
Sessions will last 90 minutes each and will be carried out remotely on Teams.
Leading experts from India, Europe and America together with a global readership will examine early modern Hindi texts (16th to 19th c.) and discuss challenges of interpretation, variations and other aspects of the texts.
Academics and students with a solid foundation in Brajbhasha or another form of early Hindi, and familiarity with essential grammatical terminology in English or Hindi, are welcome to join either as reading participants or auditors. Reading participants prepare from the texts for every session and read a small unit when their turn comes. “Auditors”, are people who do not read. All participants will be able to comment on the text via the chatbox.
The Format of the Sessions
The practical setup will be like an advanced reading class. Session leaders share their primary texts online in advance. They may also share their glossary, manuscript images and recommended secondary reading (one or two articles in Hindi or English no more than 60 pages in total). At the session, one reading participant reads and translates a line of verse or a small unit, then the session leader comments on the translation, further observations from other participants and questions to the leader come via the chatbox. The host Imre Bangha will be moderating all sessions calling the readers and read out the questions. If the session leader decides so, we can add a ten-minute live discussion at the end.
सेमिनार एक पाठ-अध्ययण सेमिनार है। सदस्यों को हर सत्र का पाठ (कभी-कभी शब्दावली या टिप्पनियों के साथ) आगे से मिलेगा और सत्र से पहले ही वे खुद उसमें दिये पाठ घर पर या छोटे दलों में पढ़ेंगे। सेमिनार में पाठक अपने-अपने अर्थ पेश करेंगे। फिर सत्र-अध्यक्ष इस बात पर विचार करेंगे कि एक-एक अर्थ कहाँ तक जायज है । अगर पाठ पाठांतर-सहित है या रचना के प्रचलित पाठ से अलग है तो मुख्य पाठांतरों पर भी ध्यान दिलाया जाएगा। पाठक यह स्वीकार करने के लिए तैयार हैं कि एक-एक पंक्ति के अलग-अलग अर्थ हो सकते
हैं और कभी-कभी हम सिर्फ अंदाज़ा लगा सकते हैं कि लेखक ने कौनसा अर्थ माना होगा या शायद लेखक ने ही जानबूझकर पंक्ति को अनेकार्थ बनाया था।
The seminar will be Hindi-English bilingual. Participants can speak the language they are comfortable with but are asked to speak clearly and slowly.
Taking screenshots or recording the event is not allowed. The Seminar will be free of charge but a 10-40 Euro voluntary donation is suggested to help two Indian charities promoting education for underprivileged children and fighting poverty under Covid-19. These are the same charities that the Summer Workshop supported and information about them can be acquired at
To register please send your name, affiliation and information about your interest in Classical Hindi to