50 Years of Dependency and Development: Global Perspectives

International conference co-hosted by the Latin American Centre, the Contemporary South Asian Programme, OSGA, and the Global History of Capitalism Project, History Faculty


dependencia y desarrollo


9.00-10.30 Intellectual precedents

Dependency and Development: Biography of a Book

Margarita Fajardo, Sarah Lawrence College, USA

Economic Doctrines in Latin America Now and Then

Valpy Fitzgerald, QEH

Chair: Chris McKenna, Global History of Capitalism Project, History Faculty and Brasenose College


10.30-11.00 Coffee break


11.00-12.30  Impact of the book – within and outside Latin America

 Dependency Theory Reassesed: A Hirschmanian Perspective

Andrés Guiot Isaac, Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (OSGA)

 The Reception of 'Dependency and Development' in the Federal Republic of Germany 

Clara Inés Ruvituso, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany

 The Reception of Dependency Theory in the USSR

Alessandro Iandolo, DPIR and St Catherine’s College

Chair: Kate Sullivan de Estrada, Contemporary South Asian Studies Programme, OSGA



14.00 – 16.15 Dependency Theory, Capitalism and Globalization

Dependency and the American Exception: Re-examining the TransAtlantic Relationship Before the US Civil War

Andrew Edwards, History Faculty/ Global History of Capitalism Project

 Ever the Deputy: Pakistan as a Dependent Economy 1947-2019

Matthew McCartney, OSGA/South Asian Studies, Oxford

 Dependency, Capitalism and International relations.

Andrew Hurrell, Department of Politics and International Relations, Oxford

 Beyond Dependency Theory 

Laurence Whitehead, Nuffield College, Oxford

Chair: Diego Sánchez-Ancochea, Oxford Department of International Development, and OSGA


16.15-17.00 Coffee break


17.00 OSGA Global Forum Inaugural Lecture: 

50 Years Of Dependency and Development:

Challenges and Risks to Democracy Then and Now

Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Former President of Brazil, and co-author of Dependency and Development.

Introduction by the University Chancellor, Lord Patten