Barbara Harriss-White: Full list of publications
Books from 2005 -11
1.14 2008 RURAL COMMERCIAL CAPITAL : AGRICULTURAL MARKETS IN WEST BENGAL , OUP New Delhi 978-0-19-569159-7; 10 digit: 0-19-569159-8
1.15 forthcoming DALITS IN INDIA’S BUSINESS ECONOMY Three Essays Press
1.16 forthcoming (with Kaushal Vidyarthee, Pinaki Joddar and Anita Desai) AN ATLAS OF DALIT AND ADIVASI PARTICIPATION IN THE INDIAN BUSINESS ECONOMY Three Essays Press
1.17 forthcoming LOCAL CAPITALISM: AGRI-BUSINESS IN NORTHERN TAMIL NADU, 1970-2010 Three Essays Press
(co)edited books from 2005
2006 (contributing editor with Elmar Altvater, Colin Leys and Leo Panitch COMING TO TERMS WITH NATURE : THE POLITICS OF THE ECOLOGICAL CHALLENGE London, Merlin Press
1.27 2007 (with Anushree Sinha) TRADE LIBERALISATION AND INDIA’S INFORMAL ECONOMY : MACRO MEETS MICRO , New Delhi., Oxford University Press
1.28 2007 (with Frances Stewart and Ruhi Saith) DEFINING POVERTY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Palgrave, London
1.29 2008 (with Supriya Garikipati) INDIA'S SEMI ARID RURAL ECONOMY: LIVELIHOODS, SEASONAL MIGRATION AND GENDER European Journal of Development Research (Special Issue) vol 20, no 4
1.30 (with Judith Heyer) 2010 THE COMPARATIVE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF DEVELOPMENT : Africa and South Asia (Routledge)
1.31 (with Elisabetta Basile) 2010 INDIA’S INFORMAL CAPITALISM AND ITS REGULATION International Review of Sociology (SPECIAL ISSUE) vol 20 no 3
1.32 (In preparation) MIDDLE INDIA AND ITS DYNAMISM: FOUR DECADES OF RURAL-URBAN DEVELOPMENT IN TAMIL NADU English version in negotiation; Tamil translation and publication CRE-A, Chennai
1.33 (In preparation) (with Cyril Fouillet and Marek Hudon) MICRO FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES applied for Special Issue Oxford Development Studies
1.36 2009 One Million Climate Jobs Now (Co-contributor) Campaign against Climate Change
chapters of books
2.94 with Elinor Harriss 2006 ‘Unsustainable Capitalism: the Politics of Renewable Energy’ in (eds) L. Panitch and C. Leys COMING TO TERMS WITH NATURE London Merlin Press, pp 72-101
Translated into Spanish, Portuguese, Korean and Turkish.
Summarised and republished as ‘The Politics of Renewables : Market Failures’
In RENEW no 171, 2008, Jan-Feb, pp20-22
2.95 With Amrita Jairaj 2006 SOCIAL STRUCTURE, TAX CULTURE AND THE STATE : TAMIL NADU, INDIA in: T. McDonough, D.M. Kotz, and M. Reich, (Eds.), Growth and Crisis: Social Structure of Accumulation Theory and Analysis, NUIG, Galway, 2006, pp. 111-222.
2.96 2007 (with Christopher Adam) From Monet to Mondrian: Characterising informal economic activity in field research and simulation models’ pp15-41 in (ed) B. Harriss-White and A. Sinha TRADE LIBERALISATION AND THE INFORMAL SECTOR :Micro meets Macro , Oxford University Press, New Delhi
2 .97 2007 (with Anushree Sinha) ‘Introduction’ pp 1-15 in ed) B. Harriss-White and A. Sinha TRADE LIBERALISATION AND THE INFORMAL SECTOR :Micro meets Macro , Oxford University Press, New Delhi
2.98 2007 (with Anushree Sinha and Christopher Adam) ‘ Summary and Conclusions’ pp 364-77 in ed) B. Harriss-White and A. Sinha TRADE LIBERALISATION AND THE INFORMAL SECTOR :Micro meets Macro , Oxford University Press, New Delhi
2.99 2007 Destitution In India and Peru in (eds) Stewart, Saith and Harriss-White DEFINING POVERTY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Palgrave
2.100 2007 ‘Developments in India’s Informal Economy’ pp 181-3 in House of Commons, Foreign Affairs Committee South Asia : fourth report on session 2006-7. London The Stationery Office Ltd.
2.101 2007, ‘Destitution in India’ in Thomas Böhler, Clemens Sedmak (eds.), Perspectives on Poverty Alleviation. Münster: LIT Publishers .
2.102 2008 ‘Informal Capitalism Social Order Agency and Deviance’
"Underground Economy : A Constant Companion", ICFAI Press, Hyderabad
(earlier published on the net:
2.103 2010 ‘Stigma and Regions of Accumulation : Mapping Dalit and Adivasi Capital in the 1990s’ – Chapter in Rural Development: Retrospect and Prospect (eds) B. Harriss-White and J. Heyer (Routledge, pp315-35)
2.104 2010 Globalisation, the financial crisis and petty production in India’s socially regulated informal economy’ in (eds) Paul Bowles and John Harriss Globalisation and Labour in China and India Palgrave (longer version in Global Labour Journal, 2009)
2.105 2011 ‘Technology and Markets’ in (eds) A Cornwall and I Scoones Revolutionising Development : Reflections on the Work of Robert Chambers, Earthscan
2.106 2011 Theoretical Plurality in Markets conceived as Social and Political Institutions (in (ed ) J Gertel Economic Spaces of Pastoral Production and Commodity Systems: Markets and Livelihoods ISBN 978-1-4094-2531-1 , Ashgate.)
2.107 2011 (with S Rohra and N Singh) ‘Revisiting Technology and Underdevelopment: Climate Change, Politics and the ‘D’ of Solar Energy Technology in Contemporary India’ in (eds) Fitzgerald, Heyer and Thorp Overcoming the Persistence of Inequality and Poverty Palgrave
2.109 forthcoming, ‘Muslims in the Indian Economy’ in (eds) A. Shariff and R Basant The State of Human Development according to Socio-Religious Identities in India , Oxford University Press, New Delhi
2.110 forthcoming ‘Markets and Human Development’ in eds A Prakash et al HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA ; A TEXTBOOK tbc
2.111 Forthcoming ‘Credit, finance and contractual synchrony in a South Indian Market Town’ in (eds) I Guerin, S. Morvant and M. Villareal, OVERINDEBTEDNESS AND FINANCIAL INCLUSION (OUP New Delhi)
2.112 forthcoming (with Aseem Prakash) Social Discrimination and Economic Citizenship with copyright permissions: 1. Policies and Strategies for Inclusive Development in India , Oxfam-India, New Delhi; 2. Bath Festschrift for Prof Geoff Wood 3. Working Paper Bath. 4 MIDS Conference Paper 2011 5. Fribourg Conference paper 2011
Encyclopaedia Entry
Journal papers
2.198 2005 ‘Destitution and the Poverty of its Politics’ World Development
vol 33, no 6, pp881-92
2.199 2006 Poverty and Capitalism Economic and Political Weekly April 1st pp 1241-6
Translated into Spanish and reprinted in Estudios de Política y Sociedad, (2007)
Translated into Malayalam and reprinted in Social Review, 2007
Reprinted in (ed) Bharti Thakar ‘ Global Capitalism: the Road Ahead’ ICFAI, Hyderabad, 2008
2.200 2006: with Amrita Jairaj ‘Social Structure, tax culture and the state : Tamil Nadu, India Economic and Political Weekly vol XLI no 51 pp 5247-57 , December 23rd
and also:
2.201 2007 : ‘Development Research – Four Approaches?’ Bulletin IDS 38,3, pp46-50
2.202 2008 ‘Market Politics and Climate Change’ Development vol 51 no3 pp350-8
Special Issue (Ed) Tariq Banuri Climate Justice and Development
(also a submission to the Garnaut Commission on Climate Change, Government of Australia)
2. 203 2008 ‘Girls as Disposable Commodities’ Socialist Register 2009 (eds) L Panitch and C Leys Violence Today_Actually Existing Barbarism vol 45, pp128-140
2.204 2008; ‘India’s Rainfed Agricultural Dystopia’ in Special Issue (eds) B. Harriss-White and S. Garikipati European Journal of Development Research vol 20 no 4 pp549-61
2.205 2009 (with Deepak Mishra and Vandana Upadhyay) ‘Institutional Diversity and Capitalist Transformation: The Political Economy of Agrarian Change in Arunachal Pradesh’ Journal of Agrarian Change 9,4, pp512-547
2.206 2009, ‘Globalisation, the financial crisis and petty production in India’s socially regulated informal economy’ Global Labour Journal 1,1, 151-76
shorter version also published 2010 in (eds) Paul Bowles and John Harriss Globalisation and Labour in China and India Palgrave
2.207 2009 (with Sunali Rohra and Nigel Singh) ‘The political architecture of India’s technology system for solar energy’ Economic and Political Weekly also distributed on the website of Oxford University’s Smith School for Enterprise and the Environment
2. 208, 2010 ‘Work and wellbeing in Informal Economies : The regulative roles of institutions of identity and the state’, World Development Special Issue on "Formal and Informal Institutions and Development", Guest Edited by Mark C. Casson, Marina Della Giusta and Uma S. Kambhampati, (Vol. 38, No. 2)
2.209 2010 with Elisabetta Basile ‘India’s Informal Capitalism and its Regulation’ International Review of Sociology 20: 3, 457 — 471 DOI: 10.1080/03906701.2010.51190
Publications - 2005 and before:
2005 (Harriss-White) India's Market Society
2005 (Harriss-White) Destitution and the Poverty of its Politics
2004 (Harriss-White) India's Informal Economy in the 1990s
2004 (Harriss-White) Rural India Facing the 21st Century
2004 (Harriss-White) Socially Inclusive Social Security in Rural Tamil Nadu, India
2004 (Harriss-White) Disability and Development
2004 (Harriss-White) The Politics of Accumulation in Small Town India
2004 (Harriss-White) Nutrition and its Politics in Tamil Nadu
2004 (Harriss-White) Inequality at work in the Informal Economy: Key Issues and Illustrations
2003 (Harriss-White) On the Insecure Lives of Tamil Nadu's Silk Weaving Families
2003 (Harriss-White) (eds) Green Revolution and After: Studies in the Political Economy of Rural Development in South India
2003 (Harriss-White) Corporatist Capitalism: The Politics of Accumulation in South India
2002 (Harriss-White) (ed) Globalization and Insecurity: Political, Economic and Physical Challenges
2002 (Harriss-White) Outcast from Social Welfare: Disability in Rural India
2002 (Harriss-White) Development and Productive Deprivation: Male Patriarchal Relations in Business Families and their Implications for Women in India
2002 (Harriss-White) India Working: Essays on Economy and Society
2001 (Harriss-White) Development and the Intermediate Classes - with special reference to India
2000 (Harriss-White) Taking Gender: Social Institutions as Regulators of Markets
2000 (Harriss-White) Globalisation and Indian Business: An Economic Anthropology of Corporate Governance
1999 (Harriss-White) Agricultural Growth and the Structure and Relations of Agricultural Markets in West Bengal
1999 (Harriss-White) (eds) Sonar Bangla: Agricultural Growth and Agrarian Change in West Bengal and Bangladesh
1999 (Harriss-White) Introduction: Agricultural Growth and Agrarian Change in West Bengal and Bangladesh
1999 (Harriss-White) Informal Economic Order and the Shadow State in India
1999 (Harriss-White) (eds) Illfare in India: Essays on India's Social Sector in Honour of S Guhan
1999 (Harriss-White) State, Market, Collective and Household Action in India's Social Sector
1999 (Harriss-White) On to a Loser: Disability in India
1998 (Harriss-White) Gender-Cleansing: The Paradox of Development and Deteriorating Female Life Chances in Tamil Nadu
1998 (Harriss-White) The Gendering of Rural Market Systems: Analytical and Policy Issues
1998 (Harriss-White) Agricultural Markets from Theory to Practice
1998 (Harriss-White) Efficience et Complexite: Marges de Distribution et Profits des Entreprises de Commercialisation
1998 (Harriss-White) Corruption in India: Agenda for Action (Review Article)
1997 (Harriss-White) Food: The Intellectual Frontiers at the End of the Twentieth Century
1997 (Harriss-White) Gender Bias in Intrahousehold Nutrition in India: Unpacking Households and the Policy Process
1997 (Harriss-White) Food and Its Frontiers: A Governing Idiom for Life
1997 (Harriss-White) The Green Revolution in South India
1997 (Harriss-White) From Green Revolution to Rural Industrial Revolution
1997 (Harriss-White) Development and Death in South India
1996 (Harriss-White) Introduction: Visible Hands
1996 (Harriss-White) Staple Food Marketing Efficiency in Developing Countries
1996 (Harriss-White) Power in Peasant Markets
1996 (Harriss-White) A Political Economy of Agricultural Markets in South India: Masters of the Countryside
1996 (Harriss-White) (ed) Rural Exchange and Agricultural Markets: Analytical and Field Methods
1996 (Harriss-White) (ed) Liberalisation and the New Corruption
1996 (Harriss-White) The Political Economy of Disability and Development with Special Reference to India
1996 (Harriss-White) Order.. Order.. Agrocommercial Microstructures and the State - the Experience of Regulation
1996 (Harriss-White) The Evolution of Wholesale Price Behaviour in Tamil Nadu, 1973 - 1993
1996 (Harriss-White) Corruption and Policy Paradoxes
1996 (Harriss-White) Taking It Sleazy: Corruption and Development
1996 (Harriss-White) Primary Accumulation and Corruption under Deregulation: A Discussion Based on South Indian Material
1996 (Harriss-White) Free Market Romanticism in an Era of Deregulation
1995 (Harriss-White) Themes in Rural Urbanisation
1995 (Harriss-White) Efficiency and Complexity: Distributive Margins and the Profits of Market Enterprises
1995 (Harriss-White) Maps and Landscapes of Agricultural Markets in India
1995 (Harriss-White) Public Sector Employment Policy and the Constitutional and Legal Vulnerability of the Physically Disabled in India
1995 (Harriss-White) Sonar Bangla? Agricultural Growth and Agrarian Change in West Bengal and Bangladesh
1995 (Harriss-White) Identification of Market Exogeneity and Market Dominance by Tests Instead of Assumptions: An Application to Indian Material
1995 (Harriss-White) The Legal Regulation of Markets in India Harriss-White) India's Market Society
2005 (Harriss-White) Destitution and the Poverty of its Politics
2004 (Harriss-White) India's Informal Economy in the 1990s
2004 (Harriss-White) Rural India Facing the 21st Century
2004 (Harriss-White) Socially Inclusive Social Security in Rural Tamil Nadu, India
2004 (Harriss-White) Disability and Development
2004 (Harriss-White) The Politics of Accumulation in Small Town India
2004 (Harriss-White) Nutrition and its Politics in Tamil Nadu
2004 (Harriss-White) Inequality at work in the Informal Economy: Key Issues and Illustrations
2003 (Harriss-White) On the Insecure Lives of Tamil Nadu's Silk Weaving Families
2003 (Harriss-White) (eds) Green Revolution and After: Studies in the Political Economy of Rural Development in South India
2003 (Harriss-White) Corporatist Capitalism: The Politics of Accumulation in South India
2002 (Harriss-White) (ed) Globalization and Insecurity: Political, Economic and Physical Challenges
2002 (Harriss-White) Outcast from Social Welfare: Disability in Rural India
2002 (Harriss-White) Development and Productive Deprivation: Male Patriarchal Relations in Business Families and their Implications for Women in India
2002 (Harriss-White) India Working: Essays on Economy and Society
2001 (Harriss-White) Development and the Intermediate Classes - with special reference to India
2000 (Harriss-White) Taking Gender: Social Institutions as Regulators of Markets
2000 (Harriss-White) Globalisation and Indian Business: An Economic Anthropology of Corporate Governance
1999 (Harriss-White) Agricultural Growth and the Structure and Relations of Agricultural Markets in West Bengal
1999 (Harriss-White) (eds) Sonar Bangla: Agricultural Growth and Agrarian Change in West Bengal and Bangladesh
1999 (Harriss-White) Introduction: Agricultural Growth and Agrarian Change in West Bengal and Bangladesh
1999 (Harriss-White) Informal Economic Order and the Shadow State in India
1999 (Harriss-White) (eds) Illfare in India: Essays on India's Social Sector in Honour of S Guhan
1999 (Harriss-White) State, Market, Collective and Household Action in India's Social Sector
1999 (Harriss-White) On to a Loser: Disability in India
1998 (Harriss-White) Gender-Cleansing: The Paradox of Development and Deteriorating Female Life Chances in Tamil Nadu
1998 (Harriss-White) The Gendering of Rural Market Systems: Analytical and Policy Issues
1998 (Harriss-White) Agricultural Markets from Theory to Practice
1998 (Harriss-White) Efficience et Complexite: Marges de Distribution et Profits des Entreprises de Commercialisation
1998 (Harriss-White) Corruption in India: Agenda for Action (Review Article)
1997 (Harriss-White) Food: The Intellectual Frontiers at the End of the Twentieth Century
1997 (Harriss-White) Gender Bias in Intrahousehold Nutrition in India: Unpacking Households and the Policy Process
1997 (Harriss-White) Food and Its Frontiers: A Governing Idiom for Life
1997 (Harriss-White) The Green Revolution in South India
1997 (Harriss-White) From Green Revolution to Rural Industrial Revolution
1997 (Harriss-White) Development and Death in South India
1996 (Harriss-White) Introduction: Visible Hands
1996 (Harriss-White) Staple Food Marketing Efficiency in Developing Countries
1996 (Harriss-White) Power in Peasant Markets
1996 (Harriss-White) A Political Economy of Agricultural Markets in South India: Masters of the Countryside
1996 (Harriss-White) (ed) Rural Exchange and Agricultural Markets: Analytical and Field Methods
1996 (Harriss-White) (ed) Liberalisation and the New Corruption
1996 (Harriss-White) The Political Economy of Disability and Development with Special Reference to India
1996 (Harriss-White) Order.. Order.. Agrocommercial Microstructures and the State - the Experience of Regulation
1996 (Harriss-White) The Evolution of Wholesale Price Behaviour in Tamil Nadu, 1973 - 1993
1996 (Harriss-White) Corruption and Policy Paradoxes
1996 (Harriss-White) Taking It Sleazy: Corruption and Development
1996 (Harriss-White) Primary Accumulation and Corruption under Deregulation: A Discussion Based on South Indian Material
1996 (Harriss-White) Free Market Romanticism in an Era of Deregulation
1995 (Harriss-White) Themes in Rural Urbanisation
1995 (Harriss-White) Efficiency and Complexity: Distributive Margins and the Profits of Market Enterprises
1995 (Harriss-White) Maps and Landscapes of Agricultural Markets in India
1995 (Harriss-White) Public Sector Employment Policy and the Constitutional and Legal Vulnerability of the Physically Disabled in India
1995 (Harriss-White) Sonar Bangla? Agricultural Growth and Agrarian Change in West Bengal and Bangladesh
1995 (Harriss-White) Identification of Market Exogeneity and Market Dominance by Tests Instead of Assumptions: An Application to Indian Material
1995 (Harriss-White) The Legal Regulation of Markets in India