Call for Papers: Graduate Workshop New Directions in Studies of Pakistan: Politics, Culture,

Friday 20 April, 2018 | 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
St Antony’s College, Oxford


* Organised by Critical Pakistan at Cambridge, Centre of South Asia Studies, University of Cambridge;
St Antony
s, SIAS and Oriental Studies, University of Oxford; Centre for the Study of Pakistan at SOAS *


Studies of Pakistan has long been dominated by macro-political or security-centric lenses. While a new generation of scholars have interrogated these frames, and offered new and innovative ways of looking at Pakistan, many academic institutions have yet to fully integrate, and provide a forum, for such perspectives in teaching and research on Pakistan.

This workshop, for graduate students at the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, and the School of Oriental and African Studies, aims to provide a dedicated space to innovative approaches to the study of Pakistan. The purpose is to provide graduate students (Doctoral or Masters’ students) with a specialised forum in which to share new scholarship and receive specialised feedback from both senior scholars of South Asia and peers in other institutions working on Pakistan. The workshop invites papers on any topic related to Pakistan, in any discipline, and urges all participants to reflect on how the topics stretch both our thinking and imagination on topics related to Pakistan.

During the day, there will be time for up to 12 graduate students affiliated with the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, and SOAS to offer papers.  The organising committee will endeavour to select papers that are theoretically and/or empirically innovative, potentially complementary in terms of theme and empirical focus. If we cannot include all selected papers, we hope to organise a follow-up workshop at a later date.

If you would like to propose a paper, please submit your title, a 200-word abstract, institutional affiliation (including discipline and position), and contact information on this link*. Please ensure that you are free to participate in the entire workshop on 20 April before submission: We hope to build a community of young scholars, and expect participants to take part in the entire workshop. All proposals are due latest 15 March, 2018. Participating institutions will cover transportation costs to and from Oxford for those giving papers. 

If you would like to attend the conference, please book your place on this link*.  We have spaces for up to 35 participants, and will book on a first come, first served basis. St Antony’s College, Oxford, has very kindly offered to host us for the day, and to supply lunch and refreshments to all those attending. There is no charge for attending the conference.

Those who have offered papers will be notified of the outcome by 1 April, 2018. We will then ask you to submit a 2500-word paper summarising your argument for the discussant by 15 April, 2018.You will have 15 minutes to present your paper, and presentations will be followed by detailed feedback and discussion.


If you have any questions, please feel free to email any of the following:
University of Oxford: Professor Polly O’Hanlon |
University of Cambridge: Mahvish Ahmad| / Arif Naveed |

*urls for the above links can be obtained from